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Our socks and tees aren't just comfy as and made for dancing, they help keep our message in your heart and top of mind.
Our community is run by volunteers. but we do incur overheads and sometimes it gets tough. Giving just a little, is giving such a lot.
Thank you so much!
No meaning but appear like real making it a most of placeholder for all the copy content and of design
Carla Zimbler disconnects from reality by stitching multiple universes together through live animation. Fragments and shapes from our world are twisted, warped and deconstructed to alter mood and inspire emotional feedback. Audiences are coaxed inside immersive dream-like spaces where pools of saturated colour endlessly expand and contract. Carla’s live performance bends visuals to the curves of architectural space, making the projections dynamic, responsive and site specific. Carla has operated visuals for both local and international festivals including Dour Festival (Belgium), LungA Festival (Iceland), Distortion Festival (Denmark) and VIVID Sydney and designed stages for PACT Centre, ACMI and Melbourne Music Week.
Carla is part of Out of the Studio 2019. Tickets are available at
Every little bit helps a lot. Please help our wonderful community of dancers, with and without disability, by giving whatever you can.