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Our community is run by volunteers. but we do incur overheads and sometimes it gets tough. Giving just a little, is giving such a lot.
Thank you so much!
No meaning but appear like real making it a most of placeholder for all the copy content and of design
Concept & direction: Martin del Amo
Choreography: Martin del Amo, in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Eva Fernandez Adan, Sean Marcs, Kylie Murray, Kathryn Puie, Trish Wood
Lighting: Guy Harding
Rehearsal assistant: Sarah-Vyne Vassallo
Composer: James Brown
5 individuals stand trapped in a square of light. They are players in a game, the rules of which they can only guess. Each one of them has a different game plan, employing their own individual strategy. Their pathways intersect, near misses occur and still they keep going, unflinchingly. Are they working with or against each other? The precarious balance between them is continuously upset and restored, restored and upset. Until the ground rules shift and nothing is what it was. Or is it?
I would like to thank Anthea Doropoulos and Sarah Fiddaman for the opportunity to make this work. I thoroughly appreciate all the hard work they invested to make Tipping Point become reality. My special thanks to the dancers for their commitment and openness to my ideas and process. Great thanks to Sarah-Vyne Vassallo for being an integral part of the process and making life easier for everyone involved. Thanks to Guy Harding and James Brown for an inspiring collaboration. Thanks also to Miranda Wheen for her generous input to the production during the first phase of rehearsals.
Original Concept and Choreography: Eva Fernandez Adan
Adapted for Screen, Director and Editor: Rachael Brown
Featuring: Sarah Fiddaman, Anthea Doropoulos, Eva Fernandez Adan, Michelle Cervonaro
Costume design: Eva Fernandez Adan
Set Design: Eva Fernandez Adan & Rachael Brown
Music: Original Mix for live performance compiled by Eva Fernandez Adan
Featuring in order: Victoria dels Angels, Zakir Hussain, Karmacyde, Radio, Enrique Morente, Ojos de Brujo, The Bird, Bebe
Remix for film: Rachael Brown
Atmosphere/Folley: Matt Ottignon
Produced and developed in collaboration with DirtyFeet
Eva Fernandez Adan and video artist Rachael Brown have collaborated to create the latest chapter of Pieces of Mind for film. A powerful work featuring Adan’s passion for high energy dynamic dance combined with Brown’s intricate understanding of movement on screen.
Pieces of Mind is a physical exploration of memories, how we deal with them, how they play on our minds and how eventually we have to let them go. A personal journey which everyone can relate to, evoking images from our past- sometimes not making any sense and at other times appearing to be that elusive missing piece.
Choreography and Direction: Vicki Van Hout, in choreographic collaboration with dancers
Dancers: Imogen Cranna, Anthea Doropoulos, Sarah Fiddaman, Verity Jacobsen
Lighting: Guy Harding
Music: Excerpts from Don Meers, David Lindup, Tooth, Pretty Boy Crossover, The New Pollutants, Ben Frost, Tykwer/ Klimek/ Heil.
Vicki Van Hout, known for her signature fusion of indigenous dance and contemporary techniques, returns to DirtyFeet with Pack, a piece exploring the dynamics surrounding animal packs and the comparisons we can draw in our own lives. Pack looks to highlight the machinations of a microcosmic lifecycle. Action, broken down into necessary function, has a truly universal dynamic and application. Even under the most proletariat of conditions, working by intuition, a hierarchy exists. Who wields the power? The one or the masses?
Producers: Anthea Doropoulos and Sarah Fiddaman
Lighting Designer: Guy Harding
Stage Manager: Lauren Grey
Photographer: Heleana Genaus
Every little bit helps a lot. Please help our wonderful community of dancers, with and without disability, by giving whatever you can.